نمایشگاه های منتخب روسیه

تقویم نمایشگاه‌های منتخب روسیه تا پایان سال 2022

WebsiteLocationDateFieldName of ExpoNo
https://en.modern-bakery.ru/Moscow - Expocentr14-JunInternational Trade Fair for Bakery Equipment & Food IngredientsMODERN BAKERY 20221
https://mc-expo.ru/enMoscow - Expocentr21-JunSteel structures manufacturers and steel service centers will exhibit their latest solutions for the construction industrySTEEL STRUCTURES 20222
https://www.metal-expo.ru/enMoscow - Expocentr8-NovMetal-Expo will exhibit whole range of ferrous and non-ferrous products, the most state-of-the art equipment, as well as modern technologiesMetal-Expo3
http://en.stonefair.ru/Moscow - VDNH Exhibition Center28-JunStone Industry International Exhibition. Natural stone: extraction, processing and applicationSTONE INDUSTRY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION 20224
https://www.innoprom.com/Yekaterinburg4-JulUral International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and InnovationsINNOPROM 20225
https://eng.mims.ru/Moscow - Crocus-Expo22-AugRussia International Trade Fair for Automotive Parts, Equipment and Service SuppliersMIMS AUTOMECHANIKA MOSCOW 20226
https://eng.mims.ru/Moscow - Expocentr22-AugRussia’s leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from Russia and the CISMIMS - MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL MOTOR SHOW 20227
https://agrorus.expoforum.ru/en/St. Petersburg31-AugInternational Agricultural Exhibition and Trade FairAGRORUS 20228
Krasnoyarsk - Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre5-SepInternational Congress & Exhibition of Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals. The Non-Ferrous Metals & Minerals Congress & Exhibition attracts senior executives and technical specialists of mining and metallurgical industry enterprisesNON-FERROUS METALS AND MINERALS CONGRESS & EXHIBITION 20229
https://en.grandexpoural.com/aquapromutilizationYekaterinburg13-SepInternational specialized exhibition for HVAC&R technologies, water supply and plumbing systemsAQUAPROM-URAL 202210
Moscow - Crocus-Expo13-SepInternational Trade Fair “Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure: Construction, Diagnostics, Repair and Operation”CITYPIPE 202211
http://www.ecwatech.ru/en/MainMoscow - Crocus-Expo13-SepECWATECH is an excellent marketing platform for water & wastewater business development, introducing new technologies & market players to the local market, set-up of new projects & cooperation linksECWATECH 202212
http://omr-russia.ru/enSt. Petersburg13-SepInternational Exhibition and Conference for Shipbuilding and Equipment and Technologie. for Development of the Arctic and Continental ShelfOMR 202213
https://rosgasexpo.ru/en/St. Petersburg13-SepInternational Specialized Exhibition of Natural Gas Industry and Technology for Gas FacilityROS-GAZ-EXPO 202214
http://www.agrosalon.com/Moscow - Crocus-Expo4-OctInternational Specialized Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and EquipmentAGROSALON 202215
-Krasnoyarsk - Siberia International Exhibition Business Centre6-OctExhibition of motor-cars and lorries, special transport, automotive parts and accessories, auto tuning and sound, auto chemistry, fuels and lubricants, service equipment, security and navigation systems, auto insurance and loan servicesMOTOREXPOSHOW 202216
https://www.agroprodmash-expo.ru/en/Moscow10-OctInternational Exhibition of Agricultural Equipment, Farming, Food Processing Industries, Trading Equipment, Packaging, Flower-growingAGROPRODMASH 202217
http://en.dental-expo.com/volga-dental-summit-enVolgograd12-OctDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in VolgogradDENTAL VOLGA SALON 202218
https://www.stomatology-expo.ru/en-GBSt. Petersburg25-OctInternational exhibition of equipment, instruments, materials and services for dentistryDENTAL-EXPO ST.-PETERSBURG 202219
https://www.ndt-russia.ru/en-GBMoscow - Crocus-Expo25-OctInternational exhibition of equipment for non-destructive testing and technical diagnosticsNDT RUSSIA 202220
-Novosibirsk26-OctExhibition of Food, Beverages, equipment, packaging and ingrédients for the food industrySIBERIAN FOOD WEEK 202221
-IrkutskOct.Siberian Agricultural WeekAGRICULTURAL WEEK 202222
https://openinnovations.ru/en/Moscow - Technopark 'Skolkovo'Oct.Expo & Forum focusing on innovations & technological new advances & also revolutions in the fields of Productivity, Habitat, Health, Education & EntertainmentOPEN INNOVATIONS FORUM AND TECHNOLOGY SHOW 202223
https://www.dental-expo.com/en/ufa.htmlUfa1-NovDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in UfaDENTAL-EXPO UFA 202224
https://www.metal-expo.ru/enMoscow - Expocentr8-NovMetal-Expo will exhibit whole range of ferrous and non-ferrous products, the most state-of-the art equipment, as well as modern technologiesMETAL-EXPO 202225
https://www.mitexpo.ru/en/Moscow - Expocentr8-NovMoscow International Trade Fair of Tools, Equipment and TechnologyMITEX 202226
https://agroexposiberia.ru/en/Novosibirsk9-NovInternational Trade Exhibition for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in SiberiaAGROEXPOSIBERIA 202227
http://en.dental-expo.com/Samara9-NovDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in SamaraDENTAL-EXPO SAMARA 202228
http://peterfood.ru/enSt. Petersburg15-NovSpecialized Exhibition of Food ProductsPETERFOOD 202229
https://www.cleanexpo-moscow.ru/en-GBMoscow - Crocus-Expo22-NovInternational exhibition of equipment and materials for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundryCLEANEXPO MOSCOW / PULIRE 202230
https://pharmtech-expo.ru/HomeMoscow - Crocus-Expo22-NovInternational Specialised Forum & Exhibition for Equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical productionPHARMTECH & INGREDIENTS 202231
https://yugagro.org/HomeKrasnodar22-NovInternational Specialized Trade Show for Agriculture and Food Industries of South RussiaYUGAGRO 202232
https://www.aptekaexpo.ru/en/Moscow - Skolkovo Innovation Center24-NovInternational Trade Fair for Pharmaceuticals and Related Products - including Medical Equipment Exhibition - New Medical TechnologiesAPTEKA MOSCOW 202233
http://infocem.info/engMoscow - Expocentr29-NovInternational Exhibition and Conferences for Cement, Concrete & Dry Building Mixtures Equipment and TechnologiesCEMENT. CONCRETE. DRY BUILDING MIXTURES 202234
https://www.dental-expo.com/en/ural.htmlYekaterinburg30-NovDental equipment, Dental instruments and Dental materials expo & forum in YekaterinburgDENTAL-EXPO EKATERINBURG 202235
https://www.zdravo-expo.ru/en/Moscow - Expocentr5-DecInternational Scientific and Practical Health ForumRUSSIAN HEALTH CARE WEEK 202236